For quality, accumulate:
5 minutes of L-sit hold 5 minutes of handstand hold 10 minutes of plank hold Break up the work as needed. Scaling: The intention today is virtuosity in three static holds. Watch L-Sit Drills and read Getting Inverted to determine what you are capable of today. Aim to hold as long as you are able, while maintaining your best positioning. Count only your working seconds, and transition as needed. Beginner Option: For quality, 5 minutes to practice L-sit drills 5 minutes to practice getting inverted 5 minutes plank hold
Working at each station for one minute then rotating. After completing all 5 stations, rest for 1 minute before starting the next round. One point is given for each rep, calorie biked, or shuttle-run length.
♀ 35-lb DB, 20-in box ♂ 50-lb DB, 24-in box Use a single dumbbell for the snatches and step-ups. For the strict burpee, perform an honest push-up followed by an enthusiastic vertical jump.
Scaling: Reduce the load on the barbell and the height of the obstacle in order to keep a steady pace on today’s couplet.
With a Partner - 10 rounds for time:
Partner B does 21 KB swings and 12 T2B. Then switch. 1 round is complete when both partners have completed the run, kb swings and T2B.
45 kettlebell swings
400-m run 35 kettlebell swings 800-m run 25 kettlebell swings 1,200-m run 15 kettlebell swings ♀ 55 ♂ 35 |
March 2025