Scaling: Reduce the weight on the presses and kettlebell swings and the height of the box so you can perform each set of exercises unbroken and with little rest during transitions.
8 sets of 3, touch and go Power Cleans, building
30 Power Cleans for time 135/90 400m Single Arm Farmer's Carry w/heavy KB
10Burpees each time you put the KB down or switch hands 100m in 25m increments Single Arm OH KB/DB carry 10 KB swings at each 25m, return to start and do 10 Air Squats before resuming
Scaling: If you cannot run 400 m in 2:30 or less, consider reducing the distance. Select a load for the push presses that allows you to complete at least 15 consecutive reps during the warm-up. For the pull-ups, choose an option that allows you to complete each round during the workout in 3 sets or less. Intermediate athletes can do this workout as prescribed.
CrossFit Total 1-rep Max Back Squat 1-rep Max Press 1-rep Max Dead-Lift If you feel ready to go heavy, you should start light and gradually work up to a challenging 1-rep max after 4, 5, or 6 sets. Consider starting at 50% with 3-5 reps and gradually decrease reps with heavier weight. If you aren't ready to go heavy, consider this scale: Back Squat 5-5-5-5-5
Press 5-5-5-5-5 Dead-Lift 5-5-5-5-5
March 2025