Scaling: Experienced athletes should build to a heavy set of 5 and plan to go as heavy as possible across all sets. Newer athletes should start light, focus on mechanics, and slowly add weight as they are comfortable
For Quality:
14 minute EMOM:
AMRAP 18 + Finish Round
9 KB Swings 6 R+L Renegade Rows 30/25 22 Ball Slams *60 Calorie Row to be completed at anytime before 15:00, may be partitioned
1,500/1,200 Meter Row
1,200 Meter Run Rest 3 Minutes 1,000/800 Meter Row 800 Meter Run Rest 3 Minutes 500/400 Meter Row 400 Meter Run
P1 Rows 500m
P2 AMRAP (switch when P1 reaches 500m)
Scaling: This workout contains difficult movements at a low enough volume that they should be performed at a sprint pace. The snatch load should be heavy enough that tap-and-go is not sustainable, but light enough that long breaks between reps can be avoided.
March 2025