Power snatch 3-3-3-3-3 reps
Snatch balance 2-2-2-2-2 reps Squat snatch 1-1-1-1-1 reps [TEAMS OF 3]
3 Rounds x AMRAP 8: 1,000/800 Meter Row (Each) Time Remaining: 45 Barbell Reps (115/85) 45 Pull-ups Round 1: Front Squats Round 2: Push Press Round 3: Thrusters * 24 Minutes Straight, No Rest Between Rounds * All Teammates Row 1,000/800 Meters on Their Own Rower, Can’t Advance Until All Teammates Finish * Split Up Barbell & Pull-ups However Between 3 Teammates * Pick-up Where You Left Off in AMRAP
Body weight endurance WOD, besides scaling techniques, consider reducing the WOD time and or reducing the rep intervals to maintain consistency of technique and intensity.
8 sets of 2 12 minute AMRAP - 1-2-3-4… Strict Pull Up Alternating Single Arm Devils Press (50/35) Box Jump
Scaling: Modify the gymnastics movements in order
to perform a minimum of 10 reps of each when fresh.
15 KB Swings R+L=1 10 Reverse DB Lunge R+L=1 15 Slam Balls Each Round alternate 200m run & 400m run (sub 100/200m Med Ball Carry)
1x Deadlift (BW or 60% 1RM) 2x Push-ups or Dips 3x Ab/Core of Choice 6s & 9s: sub: Burpee over Bar & Back or Walkout to Superman 10: sub 3:00 Rope Jump or 600m Row
Scaling: The benchmark Jackie is meant to be performed at very high intensity. Reduce the distance of the row and the weight of the bar to ensure you can push the pace. Modify the pull-ups so you can crank out large sets that test your conditioning.
March 2025