Eat Better!
Monday Back Squat
Tuesday Partner Conditioning: 4 Rounds P1: 750/600m Row P2: AMRAP
Wednesday Bench Press
EMOM: 20
Friday 2/10/23
“What is important is seldom urgent, and what is urgent is seldom important.” Dwight Eisenhower
Getting fit is more about being consistent than it is about being the strongest!
Bike Calorie, 3 mins
To the casual observer, our workouts might appear to be too easy, or at the same time, too hard. That depends upon the individuals experience and pre-existing physical condition. Our workouts are designed to meet the individual needs of the participants. We routinely have classes with a variety of participants, from teenager to octogenarian, from beginner to seasoned athlete, working out together and leaving with both a sense of challenge and fulfillment. Give us a try and see why we are different from your previous fitness experiences. Call or text Dr. Landry at 724-454-6106 for a Free-Trial!
Scaling: Choose a dumbbell with which you can lunge 25 ft without setting it down. Newer athletes can reduce the number of rounds, reps of the single-unders, and distance of the lunge so the workout can be completed in under 15 minutes.
November 2024