Warm-up: 1-Mile Run
6 rounds for time of:
5 rounds for total reps: On a 2-minute clock:
Scaling: Lifting moderate to heavy loads under duress is a skill, and today’s workout aims to practice just that. This effort is meant to be five sprints with plenty of rest between rounds. Push to finish the calories as quickly as possible, and then work to accumulate as many reps as possible on the dead-lift. Expect the barbell to feel heavier than you want it to after finishing on the bike. This is by design. Athletes should choose a weight that allows them to perform at least 5 reps in each round. All athletes should not let their intensity overshadow the importance of lifting with proper technique. Find a load with which you can maintain proper form, even when you are pushing your intensity. Coaching cues: Before lifting the bar off the ground, consider your deadlift setup: Your hands should be shoulder width, your feet should be between hip- and shoulder-width with your heels down, your shoulders should be slightly in front of the bar, and your chest should be up with a solid lumbar curve.
For time:
♂ 155-lb overhead squat, 24-inch box, 135-lb thruster, 205-lb clean Scaling: For most, this is a moderate-duration pyramid-style chipper. Adjust the loading for each barbell to allow you to finish the 10 reps in 2 sets or less. As for the burpee muscle-ups, choose a variation that allows you to complete all 10 reps in 3 minutes or less (e.g., lower the rings so you can perform a jumping muscle-up, burpee chest-to-ring pull-up, burpee chin-over-ring pull-up, or burpee ring row). If you don't make time for your wellness, you'll be forced to make time for your illness!
If you are like Holly and need childcare while working-out, we have a solution for you! With proper vetting, we will consider adults too.
On a running 35-minute clock:
From 0:00-12:00: Every 3 minutes for 4 sets:
From 12:00-17:00
From 17:00-35:00: 5 rounds, each for watts:
♀ 75% of your best back squat, 53-lb kettlebell, and 20-lb medicine ball to a target as high as possible ♂ 75% of your best back squat, 70-lb kettlebell, and 30-lb medicine ball to a target as high as possible Scaling: We’re doing something different today — a power endurance workout. Our goal is to try to hit a max wattage each time we get on a machine. You’ll ramp up the machine as hard as you can and look at your watts. The watts will tick up but eventually begin to drop. Once that happens, you’re done on the rower. This should take between 15-20 seconds. Less-experienced athletes may struggle to hit max watts and that’s normal. This is why we cap it at 20 seconds. Hit a hard effort for 20 seconds with everything you’ve got, then move on to the Russian kettlebell swings. If you’ve never done this wattage ramp-up before, give it a go as a practice round before you start the workout to see what numbers you should be looking for. The kettlebell swings are a great power endurance tool and the goal is to have a constant dynamic hip extension and continuous leg drive. Don’t think about pulling the bell up, think about continuously pushing down. The wall-ball shots are all about power. Use a heavier medicine ball than you’d normally use. Your goal will be to throw each rep as high as possible. Don’t worry too much about cycling these reps. If you need to catch the medicine ball and reset for each rep, that’s OK. We’re focused on the concentric portion of this movement and the eccentric position should be controlled to allow us maximum force when we throw upward. Have fun! *Max-wattage row or bike means once you start to move, you want to hit a max wattage as fast as possible. You are done when the watts start to drop consistently. This should take around 15 seconds or 10-12 strokes. Cap your effort at 20 seconds. DAMPER: Use a damper relative to your weight and strength. Bigger, stronger athletes can set the damper to 7-10; smaller athletes should use a damper setting around 6-9. GOAL: Strength and power endurance ADVANCED ATHLETE TARGET: 75% on back squats, max efforts on the machine for each set (M: 800-900+, W: 650-750+) BEGINNER ATHLETE TARGET: Quality depth on back squats and rigid midlines, hard efforts on machine
Barbell Lunges (L+R) from any position (front rack, back rack, over-head, Zercher...)*
*Scale: Weighted Box Step-ups Finisher: 30 Jumping Squats + either 30 cal row or 600m run + 30 Jumping Squats
November 2024