Bonnie testing her new bionic knee! Partner AMRAP 10
2 min rest Partner AMRAP 10
2 min rest AMRAP 10
*20 Synchro Sit-Ups, but every other Sit-Up is a Med Ball Sit-Up
Scaling:Today’s workout is a short rep scheme, but a high volume of rounds. Even though the sets are small, it is still a fairly high volume of each movement: 40 power cleans, 60 box jumps, and 80 chest-to-bar pull-ups.
Focus on smooth (not fast) movement and quick transitions. Check the clock after your first round — the goal is to set one pace you can keep consistent over all 20 rounds. This is a great mental and physical test! We suggest all singles on the cleans, and to step down off the box to help manage your heart rate. Aim to keep rounds under 1:10 or less. The elite will be able to keep rounds under 50 seconds.
Scale possibilities: reduce HPU reps to 12-9-6 and/or the technique to Pike Pushups
Labor Day Class: 9 am only!
Every gym should have its own Squat Fairy!
November 2024