Scale the % of press weight and pull-up technique so that you can do 10-15 reps for first set, to fatigue and maintain one weight and technique through 5 rounds to failure.
No Workout Christmas Day, otherwise normal schedule next week!
Fight Gone Bad - 6 stations, 1-minute AMRAPS, optional 4th round!
RX = A, feel free to mix and match 5 exercises + rest, such as: "A,B,C,A,C,Rest"
Barbell Lunge: you choose FrontRack/Back/O.H.
10 Rounds:
@5:00 & 12:00 30 Mountain Jack Taps (each side)
Sumo Dead-Lift
5 Rounds for Time:
Hold a slam ball with both hands at roughly your chest level. Step forward into a lunge, then twist your torso towards the side of your front leg by squeezing your core. Return to the starting position and repeat on the other side.
November 2024