CrossFit - Weight-loss - Power Lifting - Olympic Lifting Strength - Fitness Gym - Group Fitness - Fun We're all that and more!
CrossFit - Weight-loss - Power Lifting - Olympic Lifting Strength - Fitness Gym - Group Fitness - Fun We're all that and more!
CrossFit - Weight-loss - Power Lifting - Olympic Lifting Strength - Fitness Gym - Group Fitness - Fun We're all that and more!
Somewhere in November, Amanda told me that she needed to make some changes: diet and exercise. She made some changes in her diet and I offered that she give Latrobe Strength & Fitness a try. One month in, she told me tonight that she is down 20 lbs. already!
Two Classes only: 5:30 am & 12:30 PM!
Normal Schedule the week!
12 Days of Christmas:
Barbell: (135/95) *Athletes will complete 1 Thruster, then 2 Push Jerks and 1 Thruster, then 3 Front Squats, 2 Push Jerks, 1 Thruster and so on... The weather will be wicked, be safe! Keep extra clothing/blankets in your car, just to be safe!
2 Rounds
AMRAP 4:00 12 DB Bench Press 30 Double Unders (1:00 Rest) AMRAP 4:00 6 Strict Pull Ups 12 Push Ups (1:00 Rest) AMRAP 4:00 6 Toes to Bar 12 Ring Dips (1:00 Rest)
Weather Alert: Ice Storm Warning Wednesday 10:00 PM till Thursday 10:00 PM Hopefully this will be a nothingburger, however, If classes are cancelled, I will post the notice here!
Scaling: Experienced athletes should go as heavy as possible on today’s singles and attempt to PR their front squat. Newer athletes should practice solid mechanics.
Person 1 7/5 Calorie Bike 3 Burpee Box Jump Overs 5 Toes to Bar Person 2 Karaoke Shuttle Person 3 Rest
November 2024